Decided to move away from SAP to a new BI Platform? Leverage your existing investment by understanding the content you already have to make informed decisions on what to build and how you should migrate. Your existing SAP BI implementation will contain many of the requirements needed for the new platform. We can provide an analysis of your complete SAP BI landscape helping you to visualise what you have and identify your business priorities.
We can show you:
This analysis will provide a clear indication of what to migrate and/or remove and which Business Areas to migrate first. You can be confident that only the Queries and Datasets that are actively being used will transition and that your migration project teams will be able starting from the same comprehensive baseline level of knowledge of the existing platform.
With this information to hand your migration project will be more agile and effective, improving productivity, reducing timescales and overall costs.
We provide comprehensive and information rich Architecture diagrams and Star Schema diagrams of your existing SAP BI implementation in pdf and Visio format to enable you to view and make changes in line with your build and migration plans. Diagrams can be grouped by Business Area, Data Source, Query Title or other grouping of your choice. We also provide an analysis of the SAP BI Objects showing those that are active and inactive as well as any redundant Queries and Multicubes that haven't been used for a defined period of time.
This service is available on an ad-hoc or "call off" basis during your build and migration project lifecycle either independently or as part of your project team. We can also provide Consultancy support to your migration project.
SAP BI Architecture Generation & Consultancy Service